Blog Post #6

– How do notable individuals use social media?

I think celebrities usually use social media to promote something or share their lives. Because they all have a lot of fans, they will have a certain impact on those who follow them. Some celebrities will popularize their knowledge in more professional aspects, such as technology, finance, etc., which play a role in learning and communication. And film and television stars are more likely to promote some of their endorsement products in order to make money. Or share their daily lives to let fans know them better and attract a larger number of fans.

– What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

The advantage of being in the public eye is that people have the opportunity to get more information, interact with people they want to reach, and get followers with similar ideas. If you are confused about something, you can share it on social platforms, and someone will provide explanations and ideas to help you understand better. For celebrities, I think they can gain more fans while gaining benefits, which is a very beneficial thing. In addition, people are encouraged and supervised in the public view, just like the blog we publish now. This is our weekly task, and students can supervise and comment on each other.

– Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

  • The communities established by employers have limitations and benefits.
  • First of all, people can easily establish contact with like-minded people, who can communicate and learn from each other and make progress.
  • However, because under the influence of employers, people want to express their better aspects, what people know about each other is not the truest side. And because of some restrictions, people cannot speak freely, resulting in poor communication.

– Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?

In order to establish a reliable PLN, we must ensure that the content we publish is true. We can obtain materials and analyze and summarize materials from multiple academic journals and news reviewed by our peers. We cannot simply read one or two articles. Secondly, when establishing contact with others, we must also carefully examine the background information of others, and contact them after confirming that they are more professional or have a certain degree of authority and recognition.

– How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

Experienced storytellers will first conduct in-depth research on the topics they are talking about. When searching for information, they generally judge whether the source is reliable, and at the same time seek advice from professionals in some fields to polish their articles. In addition, they will conduct a lot of screening and reading, choosing the best from many sources.


Vance, Jody & Miller, J. “EDCI 338 – 2021 – 03 – 21 JODY VANCE.” 03 Mar. 2021. doi:


  1. dainavanrijt

    “…they will have a certain impact on those who follow them.”

    Absolutely. Those influencers with widespread media outlets are able to use their reach to shape the values and even perspectives of others — and in so doing manifest significant change in the the real world. It can be of course a force for good — for example Matt Damon’s efforts to help bring recognition to the work of educators — but all too often people simply end up selling their own self-interest.

  2. Lawrence He

    I like how you use the point form with the benefit and restriction on the usage of online tools provided by the employer. Another point I really like is that background checking is definitely the first thing we should be looking at before adding into our contact.

  3. juliacelinski

    Thanks for sharing! I liked your comment about notable individuals and the distinction as there certainly are different sides to how notable individuals use social media. For professional reasons one has to be much more careful what they would post. And more casual figures like movie stars do tend to post more of their life and less about professional and big societal issues.

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