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Community Contributions #4

Hi Ali,

I agree with you. Instagram and Tiktok are indeed a very popular platform right now. Instagram tends to find people who have the same interests, while Tiktok is popular because of short videos. Facts have proved that this is a new and successful marketing method.

Hi Shanshan,
Thank you for your sharing. I think the theme you choose is very suitable for young people today. Videos and pictures are a good way to attract people. If you want more traffic, you need to publish interesting and novel content. When you accumulate a certain amount of attention, people will further spread your PLN.

Blog Post #5

社交媒体, 社会的, 营销, 互联网, 移动的, 媒体, 联网, 沟通, 网络, 多媒体, 技术, 信息
Image by jmexclusives
from Pixabay

How would you create a PLN (Personal learning network) prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

If I want to carry out social media activities and attract people’s attention, an interesting and novel PLN is essential.
Before launching or participating in social media activities, I will first enrich my PLN, that is, I will publish my own related experiences according to the selected theme, so that people interested in this area can follow me, and these people are My target audience, I will focus on them. Besides, I need to build some interpersonal network, which includes old friends and new friends. Old friends can be my classmates, friends or relatives who have relevant experience in this field or are engaged in this field. And new friends, first, I can create some connections by viewing and commenting on the posts of people interested in the field. Second, I can pay attention to well-known people in some fields. I need to pay more attention to the information and content they release, learn more and learn from their knowledge and experience, after a period of time, I can also try to contact and contact them, and introduce myself.

Choose a topic, consider your audiences, and consider how you would create a social media campaign leveraging your PLN.

My social media activity will be about food. The main audience of this theme should be young people, I think it is concentrated between 18 and 35 years old. First of all, I need to increase the visibility of PLN, I need to communicate and interact with others more. I will comment on the content posted by other relevant people, respect their views and refer to and learn from them. After a period of contact, I believe that someone will be interested in my activities. On the other hand, I need to update some new content frequently. For food, I will try some new products sold by brands myself, and use the evaluation method to attract eyeballs, which will be more authentic and credible. According to my real-time updates, people can get the latest information.

Community Contributions #3

Hi Julia,
I agree with your views on the second and fourth questions. First of all, I am not a person who often shares my own opinions. I am more inclined to listen to and learn from the opinions of others. Secondly, it is important to observe the weaknesses of a student as you explained. I think everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. We need to start from the students’ weaknesses so that students can make greater progress.


I agree with you. I am also a passive person. I am better at listening, so I will have more time to think. Besides, PLN does provide us with a lot of knowledge, where we share and communicate, and make progress together.

My PLN and Inclusion

  • How diverse is your existing PLN?
  • My current PLN is not particularly diverse. Most of my PLN are my classmates and friends, as well as some friends on the Internet. Most of these friends have the same hobbies as me, so maybe the topics we interact most frequently cannot be separated from those we are interested in, such as music, movies, and so on. Sometimes I think it is good that PLN is not diverse, which will make my social life easier and more enjoyable. But at the same time, I will know more people when I go to UVIC, and maybe my PLN will change. In addition, through social media contacts, I also learned more information on the Internet, such as what happened in other cities.
  • In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?
  • I am a relatively quiet person in my PLN, especially in an environment that is not very familiar, such as some discussions in the classroom. I may seldom express my views and suggestions, and more often I am a listener. On the contrary, facing people or things I know well, I will actively express my views and discuss with my friends, which can also enhance our friendship.
  • Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide-range of interests?)
  • I mainly participate in Weibo, for example, about my favorite stars, favorite movies and TV series, and so on. Most of the time I just see and learn people’s ideas, and rarely publish or share them. Fortunately, I can learn many different perspectives to enrich my experience.
  • How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?
  • I think this course provides me with a good way to broaden my understanding of inclusiveness. By expanding our PLN and participating in more discussions, we can gain a lot of new perspectives and different understandings. If we just keep discussing in an environment with the same ideas, we may not make much progress. In fact, visiting the blogs of many classmates through this course allowed me to see a lot of different ideas, which made me think more.
  • In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?
  • My future job may be in the field of economics and finance. I think that inclusiveness is growing rapidly. Nowadays, business is not limited to entrepreneurs. As long as you are interested in the economy, or want to know the relevant knowledge, or you passed the exam in this area. You can share learning experience and communicate with others.
  • What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?
  • The result of my PLN learning is that I need to work hard to expand my PLN diversity. Relatively speaking, my PLN is quiet, which means that some of the content in my PLN does not work. I am only learning by myself and rarely participate in some discussions. Fortunately, some courses require me to join different groups in Reddit or Discord. I can get access to inclusive and diverse content. In the future, I hope that I can participate in class discussions more actively.
  • How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?
  • Through this week’s videos and reading materials, my understanding of inclusion and diversity in learning has increased a lot. I used to think that inclusiveness is just accepting all the suggestions and opinions, but in fact it is more than that. Inclusionis to recognize and accept that every student is unique, and to create more possibilities through these diversity.

Image by geralt


Moore, Shelley. One Without the Other : Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion, Portage & Main Press, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Community Contributions #1&2

Hi shanshan,
First of all, your homepage is really cute!
I agree with almost all of your views, especially the first and last questions. Google Drive is the professional learning network I use most often. It is really convenient. In addition, when it comes to creating digital identities, I think it’s like writing our resume, where we need to show our strengths. Looking forward to your next blog!

Hi Ali,

Before reading your post, I didn’t know anything about LinkedIn. After reading your introduction, I am now interested in trying it.



In my opinion, students mostly use LinkedIn and Google Drive to develop professional networks. LinkedIn is a social platform for the workplace, where students register their digital identities, find and get to know future employers or build some contacts. Google Drive is an online cloud storage service that students often use when conducting group discussions or projects. It allows you and other group members to process documents at the same time, which is very convenient. However, in the past two years, because of many students taking online classes, the video conferencing software Zoom has also been welcomed, and users can communicate and communicate through various mobile devices.


When students build and expand their professional learning network, on the one hand, they should show themselves, so as to make others interested in themselves. On the other hand, students should pay attention to learn to protect their privacy, including personal information, home address, etc., because the leakage of personal privacy may endanger their property and personal safety. In addition, sometimes we need to make some comments on other people’s text. At this time, we need to pay attention to our own language, which should be positive.


In order to ensure the privacy and security of data, many people tend to publish some virtual content or set access permissions, which will make it difficult for them to expand PLN. Because this restricts others’ understanding of them, some opportunities may be missed, such as the choice of future employers.


I tend to share my personal information, educational background, professional field, work experience and my strengths and hobbies. At the same time, I will pay attention to my personal privacy and try not to post content about my real life.

  • MY V&R MAP :

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